Be Fair to Trump

It’s just unfair to our stable genius President. I know, he has issues. But to introduce bed bugs into the conversation seems like its hitting below the belt. I mean if there were crabs in the bed, maybe it’s from Trump, but bed bugs are kind of non political. They’re a pest.
Now the fact that there has been a lawsuit about people’s reaction to the bed bugs, doesn’t count. If we have G-7 leaders there, they will go back home before they can file a lawsuit.We’re off the hook.
Tell people that we shouldn’t hassle our stable genius about the bugs in his bed. He’s had lots of creepy things in his bed, far worse than this, but thats his business.
Putin is kinda creepy, was he in his bed? The way our stable genius looks at him with longing eyes, you have to wonder.
Sure, he played “let’s make a deal” with the Ukraine to benefit him, but thats not bed bugs. True, There are those things documented in the Steele report, but there is no mention of bed bugs. No, the hookers in the Steel report just went pee-pee on Obama’s former bed while he watched! That’s not bed bugs.
The fact that his Doral National Resort HAS BED BUGS just seems like an act of desperation on the part of the Libtards. And Romney….questioning the behavior of the President. WTF, right? His own party!!! Traitor… Just because Trump is doing the bidding of Putin shouldn’t matter!!!

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